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0214 JLD Oil on Canvas 11 X 17 1985 Dijon France De Stael Inspiration 22

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0214 JLD Oil on Canvas 11 X 17 1985 Dijon France De Stael Inspiration 22

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    #!/usr/bin/env bash # --- Function to split string split_by () { string=$1 separator=$2 tmp=${string//"$separator"/$'\2'} IFS=$'\2' read -a arr <<< "$tmp" echo "${arr[@]}" } # --- Create directories for processed images mkdir -p thumbnails_600 mkdir -p thumbnails_200 mkdir -p watermark_images # --- Loop over all .png images in this directory for image in ./*.png do # --- Don't process the watermark foreground image if [[ $image =~ "pictura_darte" ]] then continue fi echo "Processing "$image # --- Create thumbnails images thumbnail="thumbnails_600/"$image convert -thumbnail 600 $image $thumbnail thumbnail="thumbnails_200/"$image convert -thumbnail 200 $image $thumbnail # --- Get size of image geometry=`identify -verbose $image |grep geometry | head -n 1` separator=': ' tmp=${geometry//"$separator"/$'\2'} ; IFS=$'\2' read -a arr <<< "$tmp" geometry=${arr[1]} separator='+' tmp=${geometry//"$separator"/$'\2'} ; IFS=$'\2' read -a arr <<< "$tmp" geometry=${arr[0]} separator='x' tmp=${geometry//"$separator"/$'\2'} ; IFS=$'\2' read -a arr <<< "$tmp" size_x=${arr[0]} size_y=${arr[1]} # --- Figure out where to position the watermark factor=$size_x if (($size_x > $size_y)) then factor=$size_y fi diff_x=$((size_x - $factor)) pos_x=$((diff_x / 2)) diff_y=$((size_y - $factor)) pos_y=$((diff_y / 2)) watermark="watermark_images/"$image convert $image \( pictura_darte.png -thumbnail x$factor \) -geometry +$pos_x+$pos_y -composite $watermark done